Bouquet of Towels

Unique gift for the kitchen. The kitchen towels and dish clothes are made into a bouquet of flowers. A sprig of flowers and a bow are added for this attractive arrangement.

Directions: "Kitchen Towel Bouquet" This takes 5 dish towels, three solid towels, three print, plaid or check towels and 4 dish clothes. Take one of the solid towels and bring the bottom up 3/4 of the way to the top. Roll a print towel longways and then fold up about 3/4 of the way. Do the same with the solid towel, then print, solid and end with a print towel. Fold the dish clothes to meet in the middle and then roll them. Place the dish clothes in the solid towel ends to resemble buds. Bring the towels together close to the bottom to resemble a corsage. Bind the gathering spot with a wired ribbon and make a bow. Tuck a small bunch of flowers in the front for a finishing touch.