Fighting Poverty...
The Heritage Foundation has a great article today about fighting poverty. I totally agree that the greatest way to fight poverty is for fathers to be married to the mothers of their children. Our nation has changed so much. So many of our homes are broken or the mothers have never married the children's father and the government is supporting the vast majority of them with one program or another as well as welfare. This is not fair to the children or the American tax payer. Bad choices should not be rewarded. The best answer to this is marriage, but maybe the best next answer is making sure that the fathers and mothers support their children equally. This would mean if they aren't going to be married that they share parenting, income and all other costs of raising the child. It should not be a reward that the tax payer picks up. I'm not talking about the death of a parent because that is not a choice and that is a legitimate need. I am talking about choices and consequences for bad actions.
This subject is going to have to be dealt with soon because of our large public debt. This is one of America's sky rocketing costs. This is one of the issues to consider when we get around to deciding how to cust government costs.
I will be commenting on other cost cutting issues soon...
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