Working On It...

Well, I've been looking at my site and trying to decide what I need. I've been so busy this past summer with gardening and other things that my blogging has let down.

I can see that I need to add pictures. I was doing pretty good with pictures up until this past year. I had a computer crash last December and lost a lot of my photo files. Reminder, back it up on an external hard drive, mosey, dvd or memory stick. Do something. I failed to save for about 3-6 mo. and lost a lot. Sorry to say, that has happened to me more than once and I've lost some of my poetry and the things that I write. I have some things on my external hard drive, but I have not worked on my files for almost a year now. Early New Years Resolution, work on it!

So you can see that at least it is on my mind and that is... the first step to working on it!

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